Research Article
Crisis risk communication and public behavior: Analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan
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1 Department of Media Studies, Bahria University, Islamabad PAKISTAN* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 8(2), June 2024, 43-53,
Submitted: 15 February 2024, Published Online: 04 April 2024, Published: 01 May 2024
OPEN ACCESS 2151 Views 1121 Downloads
This study underpins the crisis risk communication (CRC) theory, investigating the integral role of social media in Pakistan towards COVID-19, its influence on cognitive priming processes, and behavior regulation. Empirical findings reveal predominantly positive public sentiment toward preventive behaviors, with mask-wearing and sanitizer use widely embraced. However, the inclination to avoid gatherings with risk groups is comparatively lower. This collective adherence to preventive measures suggests a shared effort to curb COVID-19, influenced by factors like the perceived helpfulness of social media. The populace exhibits a predominantly favorable attitude towards COVID-19 vaccination, signifying widespread acceptance of vaccines within the country. Additionally, the study assesses public satisfaction with the government’s pandemic management, revealing an overall positive sentiment. Nonetheless, concerns emerge regarding essential needs, including food, shelter, and treatment. Enhancing our insight, this study sheds light on the intricate interplay between CRC, social media, and public behavior amidst a health crisis. The insights gleaned from this study provide valuable guidance for policymakers and public health practitioners to refine future communication strategies and address societal concerns effectively during pandemics.
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