Research Article
Educational Discussions Reflected to the Press of the National Struggle
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1 Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Faculty of Education, Niğde, TURKEY* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 4(1), February 2020, 19-29,
Published: 01 April 2020
OPEN ACCESS 1033 Views 763 Downloads
The articles published in the press during the period of national struggle are living documents that reflect the pain, joy, sorrow and hope aroused by the days of the national struggle. What is published and published in the press is the date of yesterday for tomorrow. The main purpose of this study was to scan Hâkimiyet-i Milliye, İrade-i Milliye, Açıksöz, İstikbal, Peyam-ı Sabah newspapers and some magazines that were published during the period of the national struggle to determine the problems of education and teachers. This study, which is a historical research, is a survey model. While fighting against the enemy during the national struggle period, education has not been neglected. Although we were at war as a nation as a whole, a congress of education was held, delegations of ilms were gathered, and ministers enacted laws on education and teachers. The numerical status of teachers in the period of national struggle, statistical values, training of teachers, legal and organizational problems were discussed by educators in the press. During the period of national struggle, teachers suffer the most from their economic problems. In this period, we see that the teachers who could not earn their salaries and could not earn a living resigned or worked in other jobs. In fact, this research is very important in terms of revealing the importance given to education even in the most critical days of the War of Independence and discussing these problems in the press.
Polat, Ü. (2020). Educational Discussions Reflected to the Press of the National Struggle. Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 4(1), 19-29.
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