Research Article
Ethnomathematics in Kafa, Ethiopia: Number Sense and its Level of Inclusion in School Curriculum
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1 Addis Ababa University, ETHIOPIA* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 5(3), October 2021, 41-50,
Submitted: 30 June 2021, Published: 21 October 2021
OPEN ACCESS 1983 Views 1147 Downloads
The purpose of this study was to find out the indigenous number and number sense of people in Kafa and to explore its level of integration to school curriculum. To this end, the study followed a qualitative research method which utilized ethnographic case study (embedded) design. Data were collected from 22 key participants through interview, observation, and focus group discussion. In addition, content analysis was used to investigate the level of integration of number and number sense to school curriculum. Accordingly, the study found that base six (maqoo) and base sixty (uddoo) counting systems, fractions and measurement related mathematical systems are found embedded in Kafa agricultural setting. The study further found that indigenous number and number sense of Kafa people were partially integrated in school curriculum. The implication of the finding is that there is a need to improve the existing school curriculum in a way it covers indigenous number and number sense of the people in Kafa.
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