Research Article

Reduction in Children’s Impulsivity Enhances Performance in Mathematics, but not English language: Evidence for Impulsive Behaviour Modification Using Cognitive Modelling

Eunice Torto-Seidu 1 , Ivy Kesewaa Nkrumah 1 * , Lebbaeus Asamani 1
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1 University of Cape Coast, GHANA* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 5(3), October 2021, 67-77,
Submitted: 11 August 2021, Published: 10 November 2021
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Test responses are mostly the chief basis for diagnosis, but educational appraisals of learners who experience difficulties mostly fail to account for the length of time the learner employs to respond to cognitive tasks. Impulsive children have been shown to experience challenges in school, not because they are less intelligent than the non-impulsive ones, but because of their fast conceptual tempo. This study employed a cognitive modelling procedure in attempt to reduce impulsivity in children, and subsequently enhance their performances in English language and Mathematics. A total of 93 primary four pupils who had been identified as impulsive, participated in the study. They were divided into four groups using the Solomon Four Group Experimental Design. The findings were that the experimental groups showed a reduction in impulsivity relative to the control groups at posttest and delayed posttest measures. The reduced impulsivity in the experimental groups translated into improved performance in Mathematics but this was not observed in the subjects’ performances in the English language. The results provide preliminary support for the efficacy of cognitive modelling training intervention as a mechanism for reducing impulsivity in children and enhancing their performance in Mathematics.


Torto-Seidu, E., Nkrumah, I. K., & Asamani, L. (2021). Reduction in Children’s Impulsivity Enhances Performance in Mathematics, but not English language: Evidence for Impulsive Behaviour Modification Using Cognitive Modelling. Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 5(3), 67-77.


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