Research Article
Sensing anthropology: A critical review of the sensorial turn in anthropology
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1 Department of Educational Sciences, University of Ghent, Ghent, BELGIUM* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 7(3), October 2023, 127-133,
Submitted: 25 January 2023, Published Online: 05 June 2023, Published: 01 September 2023
OPEN ACCESS 1506 Views 1358 Downloads
This article aims to present the existing epistemological ties between the sensorial turn in anthropology and collaborative forms of production of knowledge in the framework of shared anthropology. From this perspective, the major debates in anthropology regarding the senses and emotions and their epistemological implications will be critically analyzed. The focus firstly lies on questioning those approaches that approach the senses and the body as another traditional subject for anthropological studies. Secondly, on exploring the existing misconceptions in the sensory approach. Thirdly, on claiming that the most valid form of exploring and presenting the state of experience is through integrating collaborative engagement of the subject, optimally through the framework of shared anthropology. Lastly, the potentials and advantages of audio-visual media and art in general as the medium of (re)presentation will be explored.
Omrani, A. (2023). Sensing anthropology: A critical review of the sensorial turn in anthropology. Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 7(3), 127-133.
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