Research Article
(Southern) Urban, American Education: Myths and Methods
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1 Georgia Military College, 255 Veterans Parkway, Fayetteville, Georgia, USA* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 3(2), June 2019, 17-23,
Published: 01 August 2019
OPEN ACCESS 1127 Views 676 Downloads
The advent of urban education, in America, brought about the recognition of the cultural and environmental ‘cognitives’ as they relate to students in industrialized states. The imperatives surrounding the education of these students require that educators factor diverse cultural identities, languages (foreign and dialects), ‘challenged’ economic situations, and limited funding for public education into their curriculum planning. The new frontier of Southern, urban education is looming before pedagogy and administrators presently. America’s Southern regions are booming with population and economic growth. Currently, the primary and secondary schools of the Southern regions rank poorly against their Northern counterparts. These (newly) recognized urban students lack fundamental proficiency in math, English, and Science. Most are IT illiterate. The deficient practices of the schools that educate or mal-educate these pupils must be acknowledged and hopefully changed.
This paper seeks to explore the role historical elements of urban education and the methodologies (successful and non-successful) that are part of this discipline. Southern, urban education and the different and/or similar practices (past and present) will be explored with a focus upon the new challenges within.
This paper seeks to explore the role historical elements of urban education and the methodologies (successful and non-successful) that are part of this discipline. Southern, urban education and the different and/or similar practices (past and present) will be explored with a focus upon the new challenges within.
Codling, R. (2019). (Southern) Urban, American Education: Myths and Methods. Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 3(2), 17-23.
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