Research Article

Terrorism and Security Challenges in Nigeria’s Socio–Political Development

Angela Ajodo-Adebanjoko 1 * , Takim Ojua 2, Nkemakolam Okorie 1
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1 Department of Political Science, Federal University Lafia, NIGERIA2 Department of Sociology, University of Calabar, NIGERIA* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 3(2), June 2019, 29-36,
Published: 01 August 2019
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Terrorism is a global phenomenon. It is the use of violence and intimidation to coerce for various reasons. In recent times, the spate of terrorist attacks by various groups seeking political and religious reforms in Nigeria is alarming and has become worrisome as they pose a serious threat to Nigeria’s security. Furthermore, they are gradually destroying public confidence in the nation’s security system. Conditions which support the development and growth of terrorism in Nigeria range from socio-economic factors such as poverty to religion. This paper examines terrorism in Nigeria, its causes and implications for Nigerian Democracy. Data for the study were drawn primarily from secondary sources as well as the authors’ knowledge of the Nigerian political scene. The paper argues that terrorism has adverse implications for Nigeria’s security. Socio-economic transformation, security awareness and sensitization and collaboration among security agents among others are advocated as possible solutions to the menace.


Ajodo-Adebanjoko, A., Ojua, T., & Okorie, N. (2019). Terrorism and Security Challenges in Nigeria’s Socio–Political Development. Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 3(2), 29-36.


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