Research Article

Transfer of Hands-on Skills in the Teaching and Learning of Civil Technology Subjects in South African Schools: A Case of Three Technical Schools in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Maeko Mogale Simon Albert 1 * , Moses Makgato 2
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1 School of Education, Durban University of Technology, SOUTH AFRICA2 Department of Educational Studies, Tshwane University of Technology, SOUTH AFRICA* Corresponding Author
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 4(3), October 2020, 47-52,
Published: 01 December 2020
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The integration of the theory and practical components in the teaching and learning of the Civil Technology subject is requisite. This is to ensure the transfer of the much needed hands-on skills in a country desperate for technological emancipation. It is regrettable that some South African schools offering the Civil Technology subject have been caught wanting in this aspect. This paper therefore investigate the challenges of transferring Civil Technology hands-on skills and how these challenges can be resolved in order to move the subject forward. The study was conducted on 41 Grade 12 learners and 3 teachers from the three senior secondary schools in the Eastern Cape Province. Classroom observations and interviews were conducted with the purpose of ascertaining how hands-on activities were conducted in the workshop. It was established that the teaching of the subject has become too theoretical to the detriment of the psychomotor abilities.


Albert, M. M. S., & Makgato, M. (2020). Transfer of Hands-on Skills in the Teaching and Learning of Civil Technology Subjects in South African Schools: A Case of Three Technical Schools in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research, 4(3), 47-52.


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